Change Log

v2024.1.0 (Jaunary22,  2025)

v2023.3.0 (November 19, 2024)

v2023.2.0 (July 17, 2024)

v2023.1.0 (January 24, 2024)

v2022.3.0 - NOTICE (August 28, 2023)

v2022.3.0 (March 1, 2023)

v2022.2.0 (November 11, 2022)

v2022.1.0 (July 30, 2022)

NOTE: This is a major release with breaking changes. 

v2021.6.2 bug-fix-2 (March 16, 2022)

v2021.6.2 bug-fix (March 4, 2022)

v2021.6.2 (March 2, 2022)

v2021.6.1 (February 25, 2022)

v2021.6.0 (February 23, 2022) 

v2021.5.0 (January 12, 2022)

v2021.4.0 (October 20, 2021)

v2021.3.1 (August 24, 2021)

v2021.3.0 (July 28, 2021)

v2021.2.0-hotfix1 (June 21, 2021)

v2021.2.0 (June 9, 2021)

v2021.1.0 (May 12, 2021)

v2020.1.2 (February 11, 2021)

v2020.1.1 (February 4, 2021)

v2020.1.0 (November 18, 2020)

v2019.2.4 (August 12, 2020)

v2019.2.3 (March 31, 2020)

v2019.2.2 (November 22, 2019)

v2019.2.1 (October 22, 2019)


v2019.2.0 (August 20, 2019)

NOTE: This is a major release that provides additional, non-breaking, updates to the home energy score modeling behavior.  This release also includes new features intended to increase the usability of the HEScore Gateway for Assessors, Partners, Quality Assurance Providers, Mentors, and DOE Administrators.

New / updated HEScore graphical user interface features:

v2019.1.0 (February 11, 2019)

NOTE: This is a major release and introduces breaking changes that will require developers using our API to make updates to their client code

v2018.2.1-hotfix1 (October 4, 2018)

v2018.2.1 (September 10, 2018)

v2018.2.0 (August 2018)

v2018.1.3 (July 2018)

v2018.1.2 (June 2018)


v2018.1.1 (May 2018)

v2018.1.0 (March 2018)


v2017.3.1 (February 2018)

v2017.3 (January 2018)

v2017.2 (October, 2017)

This release adds authentication to the API to prevent inappropriate access to data.

New methods: get_session_token and destroy_session_token. A call to get_session_token requires the user's qualified_assessor_id (user name) and password. The response contains a session_token field, which must be provided as a parameter for every other API method. Upon completion of a session, the destroy_session_token method can be triggered to invalidate the session token.

The session_token allows the API to permit and deny access to methods or results depending on the logged in user's permissions. Attempting to access methods or values that are not permitted results in a SOAP Fault response.

We have also taken this opportunity to clean up the API a bit by removing obsolete methods and fields.

Every method (except for get_session_token) now includes a mandatory session_token field. In addition, the following methods have been altered as documented: